Today I am thankful for the Holy Spirit...and for God's power! Last night at church our pastor spoke about "being transformed by the renewing of our mind" (Romans 12:1-2). Renewing our mind means to change the way we think from worldly thinking to spiritual thinking. He explained that the verb "being transformed" means to "allow yourself to be transformed." We don't have to do anything special to transform our's not about us! All we have to do is listen to the Holy's about choosing to let the Holy Spirit control our lives and minds! Thank You God that I don't have to change in my own power!
Hi Brianna,
Yes, the lessons we are learning from the Lord through Pastor Gerry are amazing! When Christians don't submit themselves to the Holy Spirit we hinder His work in our lives. I have an even more ardent desire to be holy and follow the Lord's ways, thanks to these teachings and my own spiritual growth.
Without the Holy Spirit we couldn't keep transforming our minds to be like Christ!
You have such an awesome heart, bless you.
Love the definition your pastor shared. God bless.
Amen to that Brianna. We really don't have to do much, except allowing His Spirit to 'work us over'.
Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us this past week.
Be blessed today and always...
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