Friday, July 25, 2008

The Rebelution Conference

I'm re-posting (is that even a word??) this video, since my family and I are attending the conference TOMORROW!!! YAY!! I'll post and let you know how it goes!

Below is a portion of one of the Rebelution blog's latest posts:

In the book Worship Matters, Bob Kauflin writes that “each of us has a battle raging within us over what we love most — God or something else.” He’s right. Worship is crucial, because every day there is a battle raging for our hearts. The enemy wants us to find our joy in the pleasures of sin and the distractions of this world. It’s vital that we fight back, for God makes it clear in His Word that if He doesn’t have our hearts, our outward service is wasted energy (Matthew 15:8-9).

To read the rest of this here.


Maddie said...

you had better have fun.....and you better tell me all about it!

I love the rebelution and what it stands for.......

have you seen the shirts?
love always,

Doodlebug said...

Looks like fun!

I have been emailing your mom about your blog. Let me know if you guys want me to call you. :)

Julia said...

Neat! Let us know what it was like! (i.e, POST A LOT!) :o) Hope you're doing well Brianna. I'm so enjoying all your comments. :)

Unknown said...

Make sure to tell us how it goes!


Anonymous said...

Yeah! How fun! I will echo what is above, let us know how it was! Hope you had a great renewing time!


Brianna said...

Hey Guys...sorry I haven't posted yet...I will soon! I'm working all this week from 8:30am to 4:30pm...It's been hard to find time to post...but I will soon! I PROMISE!!

Miss Arya said...

Hi Brianna,

How are you? Sounds like your busy working!

I would like to invite you to join my new blog "Discussions with a Purpose". If you are interested please come visit the blog and help spread the word by posting about it on your blog and/or putting the icon on your sidebar. I would be very honored if you would join us!

God bless,

Miss Arya said...

Oops, here is the link-

Miss Arya said...

Heres that blog I was telling you about-
